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Barrie, ON

Barrie is known as Central Ontario’s premier waterfront community, and is situated on the western shore of Lake Simcoe within the Golden Horseshoe

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Barrie is one of the fastest growing cities in Canada and sits along the western shore of The Lake Simcoe on Kempenfelt Bay. This beautiful city is 90 kilometres to the north of Toronto and is easily accessible from any of the larger city. It’s no surprise that  Barrie is ranked one of the best places to live in Canada. With amazing schools, great dining, & outdoor lifestyle, it's the perfect place if you’re looking to relocate.

Some facts:

  • Downtown Barrie is the home to a huge number of events and annual festivals like Kempenfest, Lawnchair Luminata, Caribfest, Craft Beer Show and Ribfest. 
  • Blues Festival, Ecofest, Celebrate Barrie, Winterfest and Barrielicious are the more events which held in Barrie every year.
  • Waterfronts in Barrie is the most place with its lovely waterfront trails, numerous parks and three beaches.
  • MacLaren Art Centre is one of the prominent gallery which is located in the downtown Barrie. This gallery is well known for its bronze cast of sculpture of Auguste Rodin.
  • Every Wednesdays on summer, evening from 6 p.m till dusk Thunder Classic autoclub host weekly Cruise Night. From May 20th to September 9th, On the waterfront at beautiful Heritage Park, owners of classics, muscle and sports cars come to show their cars and enjoy music and ,conversation. Its a free event.
  • Barrie is known for heavy thunderstorm activity in the late spring and summer months, all due to its location within a convergence of breezes originating from Georgian Bay, Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.

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Barrie, ON

5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)

Allandale Station Park, Barrie

5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)


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