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Gdansk, PL

It is widely believed to be one of Poland’s most beautiful cities, with its seaside charm and atmospheric Old Town district.

Photo Gallery

Gdańsk has a vibrant mix of places to stay.


Things to see in the city

Stroll around the Old Town

The historic centre of the city is a beautiful place to start your exploration, with some stunning architecture that’s heavily influenced by Germanic and Polish tradition.

Long Street (ul. Długa),

Długa Street and Długi Targ Street
Długa and Długi Targ (its extension) Streets are also known as the Trakt Królewski (the Royal Route) and rank among the most beautiful streets in Gdańsk.

Links and Guides

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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

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Ireland Park,Toronto

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