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Allandale Station Park, Barrie

Waterfront park with hiking/biking trails, picnic gazebo, fitness stations, restrooms and more.

Photo Gallery

Part of Barrie waterfront, this beautiful park located on south side of Kempenfelt Bay and next to Centennial Park, connected though  single path which forms perfect esplanade with gorgeous view. 

One of the best spots in Barrie to watch sunsets in long summer nights or take a peaceful walk along a shores of Simcoe lake. There are tables and benches to sit, relax and enjoy vista.

Features include beautiful waterfront setting, bike and walkways, picnic pavilion, asundial., and the Southshore Community Centre, which is available for rent for various special events.

Dont miss:


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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

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