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Parc Omega, Quebec

Nature safari park with unique family experience featuring wildlife, picnicking, First Nations totems & an eatery, lodging and cabins.

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You can drive about 15 km through an 890-hectare park and see variety of Canadian wildlife. You might see deer, elk, bison, caribou and other animals roaming in their natural habitats. 

The duration of this car tour is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. 

There are overnight stay, You can choose a tipi, tent or cabin from spring through fall.

But ultimate experience: will be  a night in one of the special wolf cabins (available year round), with panoramic windows looking directly into the wolf den.


Adult : $27.00 - $30.44
Senior Citizen : $24.34 - $27.83
Child : $10.00 - $21.00

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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

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Dundas Peak, ON

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