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Riverbend Park, Jupiter, FL

Ideal destination for hikers who want a taste of the wilds of Southwest Florida without getting their feet wet.

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Named “lowchow” (turtle) and “hatchee” (river) by the Seminole Indians, the beautiful Loxahatchee River is a National Wild and Scenic River. Portions of the River are also designated as an aquatic preserve, Outstanding Florida Water and a state park.

Paddling on the Loxahatchee ranges from easy to moderately strenuous, depending upon your skills and the weather. You may encounter trees crisscrossing the water, sometimes making you go over, under and around obstacles.

Jupiter Outdoor Center, located at the park’s entrance, rents canoes and kayaks for paddling the Loxahatchee River and river remnants tied together as watery trails.

Strollers welcome. Trails shared with bicycles.


Open sunrise to one hour before sunset daily. Pets are not permitted.

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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

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