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Wilcox Lake Park, ON

Lake Wilcox is located in the Oak Ridges community at the headwaters of the East Humber River. It is the largest kettle lake on the Oak Ridges Moraine and is home to a variety of wildlife and fish.

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 Lake Wilcox Park is a waterfront park that includes a playground, youth area and the Oak Ridges Community Centre.. The lake is named after William Willcocks, who was a merchant and became mayor of Cork, Ireland in 1793.

Lake Wilcox Park now has a new skate park with a unique flow bowl and street-style section, as well a 4 beach volleyball courts, a multi-sports court (opening soon) and places to chill out. and it is a popular water recreation destination near Toronto area.


  • A waterfront promenade 
  • A splash pad. Check Splash Pads webpage for details on times and seasonal openings. 
  • Playground, washrooms, parking lot, seating and picnic area*  
  • A youth area with a skate park, beach volleyball courts and a multi-sports court
  • A boardwalk over the lake
  • Redevelopment of the Canoe Club area - scheduled for 2021

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