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Mono Cliffs Provincial Park, ON

he Mono Cliffs Provincial Park hike takes place among some of the oldest, intact, old growth White Cedar forests in eastern North America.

Photo Gallery

Prime attractions include walks through mixed hardwood forests and above and below tall cliffs. The park also features the phenomenon called Jacob’s Ladder and the fabulous views of McCarston’s Lake and views from Lookout Point.


 Some facts

  • Mono Cliffs is located on the picturesque Bruce Trail
  • Numerous hiking trails throughout the park
  • Diversity of ferns and cedars
  • Walk through a canyon on the spillway trail or past 30 metre cliffs on the cliff top trail


Parking fee @ pay-and-display machine. Parking Fees: 1 hour $3.00, 2 hours $5.00, full day $11.00; Hours of Operation: 8:00am - 10:00pm

The trailhead has basic washrooms.  Bring change for parking machine.



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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

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