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Belfountain Conservation Area, ON

A nature trail spans the river gorge using a suspension bridge

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Belfountain Conservation Area is located on the Niagara Escarpment in the West Credit River Valley. The 32 acre property features a suspension bridge that spans a beautiful waterfall, a fountain and other historic features.. Trimble Trail, a side trail of the Bruce Trail  stretches 3 km downstream with lookouts on the Niagara Escarpment. The waterfall is a miniature Niagara Falls. The cave is modelled after those of Yellowstone. The bell-shaped fountain was built to honour the village. 

Park is also nice spot for photographers and wedding ceremonies

$10 parking fee and $6.5 each person entry 

Park is closed for 2021, so check status here before going there

Park Advisories - Credit Valley Conservation (cvc.ca)





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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

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