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Cheltenham Badlands,ON

The Cheltenham Badlands is one of Ontario’s geological treasures, first formed at the base of an ancient sea over 400 million years ago. The site is a provincially significant Area of Natural and Scientific Interest and one of the most recognizable and visited natural heritage landmarks in southern Ontario.

Photo Gallery

The Cheltenham Badlands are a significant educational site due to the readily visible geologic processes. Red color and the unique topography of the exposed shale makes this a popular tourist site. It is considered as one of the best examples of  the "badlands topography" in Ontario.

There is no more direct access to area to protect from erosion. The Badlands are only available for viewing along the accessible boardwalk along a dunes, so visitors can enjoy view while staying off them..  There is an parking space adjacent to the boardwalk and a sidewalk that leads directly to the 33 car parking lot on Olde Base Line Road.


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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

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Parc Omega, Quebec

4 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.00 (1 Vote)


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