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Garden of Future Follies, Toronto

Public Art Work. By remixing Toronto’s monuments, artists Hadley+Maxwell created a series of sculptures that animated pedestrian-friendly sidewalk at Front Street East in the West Don Lands.

Photo Gallery

Urban Art installation in the Canary District located at Front and Bayview. In their original form, garden follies appeared in 18th-century French and English gardens.  It is a sculpture garden with few sculptures in this garden.  Each sculpture is a mix of pieces from existing Toronto sculptures. Its created by Berlin-based artists Hadley+Maxwell’s.

"The Garden of Future Follies is a sculpture garden that brings together elements from over 80 existing public sculptures and architectural details from around the City of Toronto. To create the garden, fragments of existing Toronto sculpture were cast using a Cinefoil casting technique – pressing material directly onto a sculpted surface – to generate over 150 unique impressions that were subsequently cast in bronze. The resulting sculptural collage invites visitors to imagine their own configurations as they visit not only the Garden of Future Follies, but also other sites around the city, inspiring acts of co-creation beyond a single site." 

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