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Toronto Zoo, ON

The Toronto Zoo is Canada's largest Zoo with over 5,000 animals representing over 450 species.

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The Toronto Zoo is a zoo located in Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Encompassing 287 hectares (710 acres), the Toronto Zoo is the largest zoo in Canada. It is divided into seven zoogeographic regions: Indo-Malaya, Africa, Americas, Tundra Trek, Australasia, Eurasia, and the Canadian Domain. Some animals are displayed indoors in pavilions and outdoors in what would be their naturalistic environments, with viewing at many levels. It also has areas such as the Kids Zoo, Waterside Theatre, and Splash Island. It has one of the most taxonomically diverse collection of animals on display of any zoo; it is currently home to over 5,000 animals (including invertebrates and fish) representing over 500 species. The zoo is open to the public every day of the year except December 25. -Wikipedia

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Gdansk, PL

4.5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.50 (2 Votes)

Richmond Green, ON

4.5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.50 (2 Votes)


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