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White Water Walk, Niagara

The Niagara River’s Whirlpool Rapids are one of the world’s wildest stretches of whitewater, reaching an extremely dangerous Class 6 classification, the world’s highest.

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White Water Walk offers a first-hand lesson in the raw power of the Niagara River’s Class 6 whitewater rapids, some of the wildest in North America.

Boardwalk itself is about 400 metres long along the edge of the roiling waters, with multiple viewing platforms that jut out towards the fast-moving water. 

The Whirlpool was estimated to have been formed approximately 4,200 years ago by the upstream erosion of the Niagara Escarpment by the Niagara River. Trillions of gallons of water pours through the narrow gorge and creates a fury of ferocious Class 6 Whirlpool Rapids. The water that travels through the rapids here clock in at 48 km/hr!

Seasonal from April to November. Free parking included into admisison price. Aprox visit duration ~ 1H

Mon - Sun:    9:00 AM to 9:00 P

Admission: Adults (13+) : $16.50, Child (6-12) :$10.75

You als0 can get better deal with Niagara Adventure Pass. 

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