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Chedoke Falls, Hamilton

  • WWW: Chedoke Falls, Hamilton
  • (905) 546-2424
  • 5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)
Scenic urban ribbon waterfalls with 18 m drop

Photo Gallery

Chedoke Falls is located in the middle of the city on the top of the escarpment.   There is no safe access to the bottom of the falls from the top of the escarpment.

There is a rough, and very steep trail, that descends the west side of the gorge. I personally would not recommend descending this trail. The longer, and safer (but not necessarily safe) approach is to start at the Chedoke Radial Trail and work your way up the gorge. You have to get over the lower falls, which is not easy, and clamber over a few rocks. It is a good workout. The Chedoke Radial trail can be accessed at the end of Dundurn street. Head east on the trail, and you will soon reach Chedoke Creek. Several other seasonal waterfalls can be seen from the Chedoke Radial Trail.

There is a second waterfall next to Chedoke Falls. I have seen this called "Chedoke Falls East" and "Denlow Falls". This is another culvert falls, and from the look of it, the falls only exists because they decided to send a drainage pipe into the gorge.

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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

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Dresden, Germany

5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)

Chedoke Falls, Hamilton

5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)


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