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Royal Botanical Garden, ON

Royal Botanical Gardens is a year-round attraction with different flowers blooming from May to October.

Photo Gallery

Situated just north of the city, the Royal Botanical Gardens spreads over 1,214 glorious hectares (2,999 acres). The Rock Garden features spring bulbs in May, summer flowers in June to September, and chrysanthemums in October. The Laking Garden blazes during June and July with irises, peonies, and lilies. The arboretum fills with the heady scent of lilac from the end of May to early June, and the exquisite color bursts of rhododendrons and azaleas thereafter. The Centennial Rose Garden is at its best late June through mid-September. The gardens host many festivals during the year, including the Mediterranean Food & Wine Festival in February, the popular Ontario Garden Show in early April, the Tulip Festival in May, the Rose Society Show in June, and the Japanese Flower Society Show in September.

RBG feature  5 cultivated garden areas more than 27 km of nature trails.. Admission also includes a parking pass, usable at all RBG trailhead parking lots.

  • RBG Areas
  • RBG Centre
  • Hendrie Park
  • Rock Garden
  • Laking Garden
  • Various Trails
  • Arboretum


Parking is available at the various garden areas and trailheads.


Visitor General Admission
Adult $18
Youth/Student* $15
Senior** $15
Child age 4 to 12 $10
Child under age 4 FREE
Family (2 adults and up to 2 children under age 18) $40

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