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Bruce Peninsula National Park, Indian Head Cove

Indian Head Cove is a scenic inlet located along the Georgian Bay shoreline in Bruce Peninsula National Park and are reached by hiking about a half hour from Cyprus Lake.

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The Bruce Peninsula is a peninsula in Ontario, Canada, that lies between Georgian Bay and the main basin of Lake Huron. The peninsula extends roughly northwestwards from the rest of Southwestern Ontario, pointing towards Manitoulin Island, with which it forms the widest strait joining Georgian Bay to the rest of Lake Huron.

Parking notes:

There are now parking time slots which you must reserve in advance either online or by phone. This will entitle you to a 4-hour period where you are guaranteed parking at the Cyprus Lake parking lot. Reservations cost $11.70 per vehicle along with a reservation fee. These are only in effect in the summer from May 1st until the end of October.



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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

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Richmond Green, ON

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