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Phyllis Rawlinson Park, ON

Tranquil green space with a community garden, off-leash dog area, historic structures & bbq grills.

Photo Gallery

 Park is located on the east side of Leslie St, just north of 19th Ave in Richmond Hill. The parkland was donated to the Town by Phyllis Rawlinson, a long-time resident of Richmond Hill, on the condition it be managed for conservation purposes. The property is designated under Ontario Heritage Act.

Phyllis Rawlinson Park is the only park in Richmond Hill equipped with barbeque facilities and fire pits.

There are community gardens on south side, right after park entrance. 

 Park amenities

  • A community garden
  • An off-leash dog area
  • Celebration Forest - unique woodland with planted trees to tribute a special occasion
  • Robert Holland Interpretive Centre
  • George Forster House -1830 built property, includes house and old barn

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Mont Tremblant, QC

5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)

Algonquin Park, ON

5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)


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