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Capilano Suspension Bridge,BC

140 metres long and 70 metres above the Capilano River it’s must see attraction in Northern Vancouver.

Photo Gallery


Park include several different attractions, each one is own unique experience.

  • Cliffwalk - Series of cantilevered and suspended walkways.
  • Suspension bridge
  • Treetops Adventure - Viewing platforms and 7 suspension bridges  between 1300-year-old old growth Douglas-firs.
  • First Nations totem poles

Treetops Adventure takes guests 100 feet into the mid-story of a coastal rainforest on seven suspension bridges attached to old-growth trees.

Capilano Suspension Bridge Park has the world's largest private collection of totem poles, including early 1900's local Coast Salish in the Totem Park and Haida, Tsimsian and Tlingit poles that have been carved on-site over the past 20 years in Kia'palano.

Dont miss seasonal Canyon lights event in December and January. This holiday event is home to the world's tallest (46m)  living Christmas tree.

Hours and Dates of Operation

Open every day except Christmas Day
Daily, 9am–5pm | Summer 8am–8pm

Tickets ranges are from $18.95 for kids to $54.95 for adults.


Links and Guides

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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

Have you visited this place? If you have any corrections or new information you'd like to share, we'd love your input. Also any photos or videos you may have taken of your adventures on this  are welcome as well. Leave some tips and useful information in comments.

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Base Borden Military Museum,ON

5 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (1 Vote)

Princess Falls, Hamilton

4 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.00 (1 Vote)


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