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Lighthouse Park, BC

Located in West Vancouver British Columbia,Lighthouse Park is one of the most amazing scenic parks you will see on the West Coast.

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 Lush Vancouver Rainforest

Lighthouse Park is approximately 75 hectares in size and a nationally significant natural park within West Vancouver. It has important natural and cultural resources and very high levels of use by local residents and tourists. The park is a biologically rich and unique resource and is an example of a remaining old growth rainforest in the Lower Mainland. The lighthouse and light station grounds at Point Atkinson are a national historic site and one of the most photographed and recognizable landmarks in the entire Lower Mainland.

Park receives more than 50 inches (1,300mm) of rain annually. The park is full of hiking trails that lead you deep into the forest canopy or down to the beautiful coastline boasting breathtaking views from various rocky bluffs.

  • Suggested Duration:< 1 hour

Lighthouse Park is accessed from a parking lot just off Beacon Lane. When travelling along Marine Drive towards Horseshoe Bay, turn left on Beacon Lane and follow the signs for Lighthouse Park.


  • washrooms
  • lighthouse viewpoint
  • trail network
  • parking

 Lighthouse Park Hike Stats

Rating: Easy
Distance: 3.3 km
Net Elevation Change*: Minimal
Highest Point: 105 m
Time Needed: 2 hours
Type: Loop

Season: Year-round
Dogs Allowed: Yes
Est. Driving Time from Vancouver: 30 minutes



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Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit, leave what you find, respect nature, enviroment and wildlife!

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